Epic and Carequality Align with TEFCA: A Landmark Shift in Health Data Exchange

Epic and Carequality align with TEFCA, marking a major shift in health data sharing. What this means for healthcare and the future of interoperability.

The HealthTech Radar
Weekly Newsletter
September 13, 2024

In a move that's sending ripples through the Health Care IT world, EHR giant Epic and interoperability network Carequality have announced plans to align with TEFCA (Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement). But what does this alphabet soup mean for healthcare, and why should you care? Let's break it down.

The Big Picture

  • Epic aims to transition its customers to TEFCA by the end of 2025
  • Carequality, which connects over 600,000 care providers, is aligning its policies with TEFCA

Why It Matters

  1. Government Influence: TEFCA, mandated by the 21st Century Cures Act, represents the federal government's push for nationwide health data sharing.
  2. Industry-Wide Impact: With Epic's massive market share, this move could accelerate TEFCA adoption across the healthcare sector.
  3. Improved Connectivity: TEFCA promises to reduce friction in data exchange between providers, payers, and patients.

The Expert Take

Dave Cassel, former executive director of Carequality, calls this a "tectonic shift" in the interoperability landscape. He predicts Carequality will eventually "cede the stage to TEFCA" in the push for universal connectivity.

What's Next?

  • Epic customers are expected to transition to TEFCA between now and the end of 2025.
  • Carequality is evolving its policies to align with TEFCA, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • The industry anticipates broader health information networks, extending beyond provider-to-provider exchange.

MarianaAI’s Take

While the technicalities might make your eyes glaze over, the implications are clear: we're moving towards a future where your medical records could follow you as seamlessly as your email. No more faxing records or playing telephone between doctors' offices. It's a big step towards healthcare that's more connected, efficient, and patient-centered.

But don't cancel your fax machine subscription just yet. As with all things in healthcare, the devil will be in the details of implementation. Stay tuned as we watch this digital health revolution unfold.

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